Yahoo Mail Keyboard Shortcuts

Below is a list of Yahoo Mail keyboard shortcuts. With KillerKeys, you can always have the shortcuts you want for practically any application right in front of you.  Learn more

Modifier Key Key Description of shortcut
   Delete Delete a message
   N Create a new message
Alt   S Send a message
   P Print a message
   R Reply to a message
   A Reply all to a message
   F Forward a message
 Ctrl  S Save a draft message
   K Mark a message as read
  Shift K Mark a message as unread
   D Move to a folder
 Ctrl  Period Open the next message
 Ctrl  Comma Open the previous message
   Escape Close a message
   S Search your email messages
   M Go to the inbox

KillerKeys includes the complete list of shortcuts for over 100 applications and is updated automatically with each new release of software.