Knowledge Base
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Licensing Questions
Sales Questions
- Is there a free or trial version available for KillerKeys?
- Does KillerKeys come in languages other than English?
- How big is the download of KillerKeys?
- How do we choose which applications to support?
- How much hard disk space does KillerKeys require?
- I’ve purchased one Edition of KillerKeys and would like to upgrade to the Master Collection; will I receive any credit for the Edition that I have purchased?
- Can I install KillerKeys onto a computer that is not connected to the Internet?
- Does the KillerKeys iPad app work with all versions of the Apple iPad?
- Is there a boxed version of KillerKeys and can I have is shipped to me?
- Which versions of KillerKeys works with the iPad app?
Technical Support
- My Gmail shortcuts aren't working.
- The scroll wheel on my mouse will not scroll through the KillerKeys interface, is this a bug?
- Why do you write out the names of certain keys but not others?
- Will I lose my custom profiles when I install a new version of KillerKeys?
- Can I move my KillerKeys Profiles to another computer, or share them with somebody else?
- How big is the download of KillerKeys?
- How can I add/create a new shortcut for KillerKeys?
- How much hard disk space does KillerKeys require?
- I just installed KillerKeys but am not sure how to use it, can you help me get started?
- I see duplicate shortcuts with the exact same name in KillerKeys, why is this?
- I sometimes use shortcuts that require a mouse click, but they are not listed in KillerKeys, why is this?
- In which Browsers can KillerKeys recognize cloud apps?
- KillerKeys is not properly recognizing my cloud apps, is there a fix for this?
- My KillerKeys installer is not working, and this is the first time I'm installing this program, are there any known conflicts I should be aware of?
- Can I install KillerKeys onto a computer that is not connected to the Internet?
- Does the KillerKeys iPad app work with all versions of the Apple iPad?
- I'm clicking on the key but nothing happens, what's wrong?
- KillerKeys VR Quit Unexpectedly
- Which versions of KillerKeys works with the iPad app?
- If I change my application's keyboard shortcuts, will KillerKeys recognize those changes?
- I can't connect to my iPad, any suggestions?
- Can I add new shortcuts to KillerKeys, or the VR Keyboard?
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