Microsoft Visio Keyboard Shortcuts

Below is a list of Microsoft Visio keyboard shortcuts. With KillerKeys, you can always have the shortcuts you want for practically any application right in front of you.  Learn more

Modifier Key Key Description of shortcut
 Ctrl Shift 3 Select the stamp tool
 Ctrl  4 Select the pencil tool
 Ctrl  5 Select the freeform tool
 Ctrl  6 Select the line tool
 Ctrl  7 Select the arc tool
 Ctrl  8 Select the rectangle tool
 Ctrl  9 Select the ellipse tool
 Ctrl  A Select all the shapes on the active drawing page
 Ctrl  C Copy the selection to the clipboard
 Ctrl  D Copy the selection to the active drawing
   DELETE Delete the selection
 Ctrl  F Open the find dialog box
  Shift F4 Open the page dialog box
   F4 Repeat the previous action
 Ctrl  V Paste the contents of the clipboard
 Ctrl  X Remove the selection from the active drawing and place it on the clipboard
 Ctrl  Y Reverse the action of the undo
 Ctrl  Z Reverse the last action you performed
   F12 Open the save as dialog box
 Ctrl  F2 Open the print preview window
 Ctrl  F4 Close the active drawing window
  Shift F5 Open the print setup tab in the display page setup dialog box
 Ctrl  N Open a new drawing based on the open drawing
 Ctrl  O Open the open dialog box
 Ctrl  P Open the print dialog boxfile menu, print
 Ctrl  S Save the active drawing
   F11 Open the font tab in the text dialog box
  Shift F11 Open the paragraph tab in the text dialog box
 Ctrl  F11 Open the tabs tab in the text dialog box
   F3 Open the fill dialog box for the selected shape
  Shift F3 Open the line dialog box
 Ctrl  = Turn subscript on/off
 Ctrl Shift = Turn superscript on/off
 Ctrl Shift A Turn all caps on or off
 Ctrl  B Bold on or off
 Ctrl Shift C Center text horizontally
 Ctrl Shift COMMA Decrease font size
 Ctrl Shift D Turn double underline on or off
 Ctrl  I Turn italic on or off
 Ctrl Shift J Justify text horizontally
 Ctrl Shift K Turn small caps on or off
 Ctrl Shift L Align text left
 Ctrl Shift M Center text vertically
 Ctrl Shift PERIOD Increase font size
 Ctrl Shift R Align text right
 Ctrl Shift T Top-align text vertically
 Ctrl  U Turn underline on or off
 Ctrl Shift V Bottom-align text vertically
   F1 Display the help task pane from a visio window or a context-sensitive topic from a visio dialog box
   F6 Switch between the help task pane and the active application

These shortcuts are just a sample of the shortcuts available for this application. KillerKeys includes the complete list of shortcuts and is updated automatically with each new release of software.