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KillerKeys VR Quit Unexpectedly
Apr 1, 2014 by System Admin

If KillerKeys VR fails to launch properly, and gives the error message that it quit unexpectedly, you're likely missing the required font to run our application.

KillerKeys VR uses the Arial font, which is a standard font included with the latest Mac OS. It is possible that this font got disabled, or even removed, which is why we can no longer access it.

To check your installed fonts, you will need to go to the Font Book, which you can access by searching for it in Spotlight, or finding it in the Applications folder.

Look in the list for the Arial font, and if it happens to be disabled, enable it by pressing the button on the bottom of the font list.

If Arial is not in your font book, you will need to install it. Please check with the Apple site for instructions on how to manage fonts:

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